American Landscape By William Neill
The Nature Company chose Neill's work to illustrate two special edition books: Rachel Carson's The Sense Wonder and John Fowles's The Tree. Chronicle Books published his photographs natural patterns in By Nature's Design (1993), and featured his images in The Color Nature (1996). The Yosemite Association published a major portfolio Neill's Yosemite photographs entitled Yosemite: The Promise Wildness (1994), which led the National Park Service to award Neill The Director's Award. His latest book, Landscapes the Spirit (Bulfinch Press/Little, Brown & Co, Fall 1997), fers a retrospective collection his finest landscape photographs, based on the theme nature's spiritual and healing powers.
Photographer's Statement
The reason I photograph is to experience the beauty Nature, wild places. I explore the essential elements rock and tree, cloud and rushing water to discover the magic and mystery the landscape. My search for beauty is romantic and idealistic. It is the spirit the land I seek-be it in a small piece urban wildness or in vast wilderness. Rachel Carson, in her book The Sense Wonder, writes, "Those who contemplate the beauty the earth find reserves strength that will endure as long as life lasts."