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Highway of Death tank graveyard, Highway 80, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Highway Of Death Tank Graveyard, Highway 80, Kuwait City, Kuwait

• Referenced in Alex Garland's 1996 novel The Beach.
• The 2005 film Jarhead, based on the 2003 book, contains a scene of the Highway of Death.
• In the 2010 video game Splinter Cell: Conviction, a flashback mission reveals that the protagonist Sam Fisher, at the time the leader of a four-man SEAL team, was captured while on a routine patrol during an operation on the "Highway of Death" following an Iraqi ambush. The player, as Fisher's SEAL teammate Victor Coste, follows a portion of the highway to an enemy military outpost, where he rescues Sam from being tortured by his captors.

File information
Album name:World & Travel
Rating (2 votes):55555
Keywords:#highway #death #tank #graveyard #kuwait #city
Filesize:74 KiB
Date added:Mar 19, 2014
Dimensions:700 x 525 pixels
Displayed:750 times
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