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Aryan Hopkins gets pierced 1,093 times

Aryan Hopkins Gets Pierced 1,093 Times

With 1,093 piercings, Hopkins broke the record for piercings in one session done with an 18-gauge needle, 900. But he fell short of the overall record for one session, 1,200, after he started shaking and losing feeling in his hands and arms.
Hopkins, whose goal was 2,000 piercings, made the attempt to raise money for Shriners Hospitals for Children Northern California.

File information
Album name:World & Travel
Rating (2 votes):55555
Keywords:#aryan #hopkins #gets #pierced #times
Filesize:61 KiB
Date added:Jun 28, 2010
Dimensions:700 x 465 pixels
Displayed:442 times
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