Brothel Complexes, Jakarta, Indonesia
Online prostitution is also common. In internet forums, prostitutes and pornography are offered to registered members of good standing, as measured by their activity on the forum. A senior member of the forum posts a "free report" offering a description of the member's experience with a prostitute; contact information is provided upon request by private message. Prostitution rings on Facebook have also been reported.
Legal status
Prostitution is interpreted as a "crime against decency/morality" and against the law. In practice prostitution is widespread, tolerated and regulated. Prostitution is most visibly manifested in Indonesia’s brothel complexes, or lokalisasi, which are found throughout the country. These brothels are managed under local government regulations. During or after raids by the police, the prostitutes are able to pay and be released from custody; this has led to police raids being called "nothing more than an income source for public order officers".