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Eternal Flame Falls, Shale Creek Preserve, Chestnut Ridge Park, New York City, United States

Eternal Flame Falls, Shale Creek Preserve, Chestnut Ridge Park, New York City, United States

The Eternal Flame Falls is a small waterfall in the Shale Creek Preserve, a section of the Chestnut Ridge Park in New York. A small grotto at the waterfall's base emits natural gas, which can be lit to produce a small flame.
It was featured in the book Secret Places by Bruce Kershner. In it, Kershner also lays a common local legend—one that claims "elf sightings"—to rest.

File information
Album name:World & Travel
Rating (2 votes):55555
Keywords:#eternal #flame #falls #shale #creek #preserve #chestnut #ridge #park #new #york #city #united #states
Filesize:152 KiB
Date added:Nov 22, 2012
Dimensions:700 x 699 pixels
Displayed:544 times
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